Wiktor Wierzbicki

Wiktor Wierzbicki was born in Moscow on February 7, 1916, while his mother Tamara was visiting her injured husband Jan Wierzbicki in the hospital.

He attended high school in Dyneburg, where he matriculated in 1934.

Wiktor Wierzbicki became involved in underground activities.

As early as 1940, the secret anti-German and anti-Soviet organization Liberation of Poland under the command of Franciszek Chekhovich, of which Wiktor Wierzbicki was an active member and co-founder, began its activities in Dyneburg.

He was arrested for his activities in 1941. Immediately after a nearly year-long stay in prison, he became active in the partisans.

He became a member of the underground diversionary organization of the Union of Armed Struggle and the Home Army under the code name Wachlarz, which was formed in the summer of 1941 in connection with the outbreak of the German-Soviet war.

Historian Cezary Chlebowski, in his book "Wachlarz," created a detailed monograph of this segregated diversionary organization, describing, among other things, the activities of Wiktor Wierzbicki.

With the end of the war, most of the Wierzbicki family left Latvia.

Wiktor Wierzbicki settled in Poland in Pomerania. He was a committed social activist and an avid angler

To date, every year a memorial event named after Wiktor Wierzbicki is organized by the Municipal Circle of the Polish Angling Association in Kolobrzeg.